
Are you searching for a local business or service within the Kiama Local Government Area?

Want to take advantage of the best products and services offered by your favourite local business?

Are you a local business owner looking for a great way to reach THOUSANDS of locals/visitors and potential clients each month?

inKIAMA offers locals and visitors a way to search for a great deal from their favourite business or perhaps discover a new service while offering a way for business owners to leverage our website’s traffic to promote and reach people in Kiama every day.

Who runs inKIAMA

The concept for inKIAMA was developed by local resident Mark Croxford. Mark, a Navy veteran with 20 years service, is a former senior ministerial media and political adviser to several Federal Government ministers, with a background in corporate strategic & public relations, marketing, business and stakeholder management.  He was looking for ways to help Kiama thrive following on from the impact of COVID-19, bushfires, and drought on the local economy, and the result is inKIAMA.
Mark and his family live in Kiama Downs.

See Your Business Here!

inKIAMA offers locals and visitors a way to search for a great deal from their favourite business or perhaps discover a new service while offering a way for business owners to reach people.

Click the links for more information on what’s included in our Basic & Premium listings & your choices for advertising on our site OR please click the contact us button today!