Welcome to inKIAMA, Your Top Community Resource

If you live or visit within the Kiama Local Government Area then this website is definitely for you.

You’ll find an extensive listing of all local businesses and community organisations located within the Kiama LGA, as well as reviews, news, details and offers for you to buy|shop|support.

Whether you’re looking for the nearest place to grab some coffee with a friend, eat out on your birthday, or just to find a new place to buy the things you want, then use inKIAMA to find what you’re looking for.

inKIAMA is your go-to place for local offers news and more, plus you get the opportunity to review your experience and see what other people think too.

If you’re a business owner in Kiama, Kiama Downs, Kiama Heights, Minnamurra, Jamberoo, Gerringong or Gerroa then make sure you claim your Basic listing, we’ve already added a lot of businesses to inKIAMA so see if you’re there, if not Submit A Listing.  If you like you can also choose a Premium listing – it’s easy to do and will ensure that visitors to this website can find out what you offer.

See Your Business Here!

inKIAMA offers locals and visitors a way to search for a great deal from their favourite business or perhaps discover a new service while offering a way for business owners to reach people.

Click the links for more information on what’s included in our Basic & Premium listings & your choices for advertising on our site OR please click the contact us button today!
